Why Does My Back Hurt?

In Physical , posted by Virginia on

Lower back pain is extremely common in golfers. It has been reported to account for 52% all injuries in recreational golfers and 24% of all injuries in professional golfers.

Low back pain may be caused by many different factors.

The modern golf swing has been shown to produce multiple large forces on the lower back, which may change directions rapidly during the swing. These forces have also been shown to be up to 80% greater in amateurs when compared to professionals. It is most likely due to inferior swing mechanics in amateurs which place greater stress on the spine. However both groups were found to generate compression forces through the spine as high as 8 times body weight.

The rotational nature of the golf swing is also a major factor in the development of lower back pain in golfers. So there are multiple ways in which potentially injury causing forces are developed in the lower back in the golf swing. When this is coupled with the high number of repetitions which are performed while practising and playing, the potential for pain following golf is quite high.

Source High Performance Golf