Tag Search: Awareness


Choking or Panicking

In Mental , posted by Virginia on - Leave a comment

How many times have you witnessed the heartbreak of an athlete faltering at a crucial moment?  The painstaking drama of the moment can be excruciating to watch, particularly when the athlete is at the height of their career or even worse, an athlete you coach.  At these times, the terms choking or panicking are thrown around loosely to label the underperformance of the individual or team.  But what do these terms mean?  Is there a difference between them?  And can anything prevent an athlete from choking? Continue Reading→



In Physical , posted by Virginia on - Leave a comment

Run and Hit -Pitching

Around the green create a shot easy or more difficult to a specific target.  Using 1 ball, you must hit 10 shots to that same target.   Before hitting each shot you must run around the green.  Once back at the ball, run through your full pre-shot routine prior to hitting each shot.   After you have hit your shot pick up your ball and start to run around the green again.  Repeat 10 times.  It is important to note the quality of shots early in the drill compared to the last half of the drill.  Do they drop off?  What can you do to help deal with the lack of breath or the heart beating more quickly?  Allocate points in relation to where the shot finishes.  5 points if you hole out, 2 points if the ball finishes within 1 club length, 0 points if outside of 1 club length.

Repeat this drill a various stages of you practice.