Building A Strong Mental Self Image
Learn the Lesson, Climb the Ladder and Take the Walk.
By choosing to learn a lesson after a disappointment instead of assigning a label such as unsuccessful to themselves they came to believe that something good had come from their adversity. It is a neat twist that allowed them to see every single experience, positive or negative, as one that improved their game. The objective is to simply point your thinking in the right direction. Any small lesson will do the trick. What past adverse situation in your personal or playing life did you learn from, and what action did you take as a result. What intense situation on the golf course have you faced that didn’t turn out the way you would have liked it to? What lesson can you learn from it?
If we want to avoid getting stuck on a certain self-image, we have to have a mental picture of the next level we want to get to, rather than defining ourselves by where we are. What’s the next rung on the ladder for me?