Pitching – Make it your best

In Physical , posted by Virginia on

Do you sometimes struggle controlling your distance with your pitching?  Improving your distance  you are able to hit your pitch shots will help you improve your scoring from a couple of shots per round to many more depending on your current skill level.

Here is a great tip: 

On the range somewhere use some shafts or markers, create a ladder.  Start the first rung of the ladder at 45metres then rungs every 5 meters to 85meters.  It should start to look a little like a ladder without the sides.

Using one ball only, your aim is to land your ball in each space between the rungs.  At first you can nominate which space you are aiming for, then challenge yourself and try to land each shot in each space.   Start at the first space and move up and down the ladder without missing a rung.

Create all sorts of ladders and use a variety of clubs.  Have the rungs start close to you or far away, also change your position, incorporate good lies, bad lies, up slopes, down slope etc.