Warm Up

In Physical , posted by Virginia on

Like any sport, warming up prior to golf is very important to not only enhance performance but also to prevent injury. Warm-up prior to any athletic activity should include exercises aimed at activating the muscles that are important for the particular activity, as well as exercises that encourage the correct movement pattern for the activity.

Obviously there will be individual variations depending on any specific problem areas that you may have, however the following can be used as a guideline to an effective warm up prior to golf:

  1. Start with a low intensity activity that involves muscles in both the upper and lower body. This may involve hitting a few chips or pitches, taking some slow swings with a wedge or 9-iron, or even performing some golf specific drills with or without a club. This will get blood flowing to these muscle groups and prepare you for the rest of your warm up.
  2. Next perform some exercises that activate the muscles of the shoulder girdle, the muscles that stabilise the hips and the core muscles which stabilise the spine and trunk.
  3. You should next perform some golf specific movement patterns that involve rotation of the trunk over a relatively fixed lower body. These can involve movements that include lunging, golf posture and even laying on the ground.
  4. Finally, head to the range or practice net if available, and some shots starting with a wedge or 9-iron, and working gradually up to your Driver or whatever club you use off the tee.
  5. Finish off with some putting or whatever else you wish to work on.

You are now ready to head to the first tee and feel comfortable that you have prepared your body to perform at its maximum potential!

Source High Performance Golf